The Mayo Trophy

A place for news and pictures, waytago's, attaboy's, and weluvya's... for the children of Ev & Sheila, and their families!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Lest we forget....

Hello, dearest ones. Just another picture from the old Destin scrapbook. Remember that trip? Seems like yee-hears ago now. But every now and then, I have a wave of graphic memory, and I find myself on that porch with the sea air, the roar of the cars, the sound of happy screams and laughter, salty skin and hair, and the feel of a good book in my hands. A wave of peace and happiness. A wash of gratefulness for the felicity of a loving family. Miss you all, even those I saw today and yesterday. I hope to never take you for granted. You are a miracle.


  • At 8/12/2005 8:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love that picture! and I love how you "scrapped it". What a great trip...a sense of peace and rightness always passes over me when I think about that week as well. May we never forgot, or take for granted, the blessing the love of family provides..Thank you Lord! I miss you all!!

  • At 8/12/2005 4:16 PM, Blogger Goody said…

    Oh, how adorable! And your emotional descriptions and exclamations are very appropriate!


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